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About Muddy Heights

Muddy Heights is a free game that was released on November 23, 2014. It was created by Game Dev User Zathalos and team, they have now established there own studio known as RageBorn Studio . It’s a very funny silly game about poop. Basically a guy is stuck on a roof with no toilet close by. He has to poop very badly. So he leans over the edge and poops on everyone down below. They will run and panic. No one wants to get sharted on lol. Be sure to check out the second game also, Muddy Heights 2.
The Poo Game epic gameplay video was created by Youtuber Dan TheDiamondMinecart // DanTDM that has received more
than 16 Million Views and 130,000 likes. Since this video has received So many views the title of the video stuck for the game and that’s why Muddy Heights is also known as The Poo Game. It’s like the secondary name now, lol.

– Watch the original over 14 million viewed The Poo Game (Muddy Heights) Youtube Video:Created By TheDiamondMinecart //

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